Alternating Current – Direct Current. Maloles Antignac, Marta Carballo, Claire Chassot, Natalia Escudero, William Gaber, Marta Galindo, Alejandro González Castillo, Ugo Martínez Lázaro, mAwatres, María Mrntrd & Mar Reykjavik.
Artists: Maloles Antignac, Marta Carballo, Claire Chassot, Natalia Escudero, William Gaber, Marta Galindo, Alejandro González Castillo, Ugo Martínez Lázaro, mAwatres, María Mrntrd y Mar Reykjavik.
The artists presented in this exhibition organized by Atelier Solar and taken in by Galería Nueva, are part of the program “Curator Meets Artists” realized thanks to the support of Madrid’s City Council. These artists will benefit of the visit of European curators invited by the association to stay in Madrid for 13 days so they can closely meet the artwork of these ten artists, just as other 100 artists with their studio located in Madrid. The storyline of this exhibition is, therefore, centered on unfold and analyze the creative energy inside the artistic scene of Madrid.
It is said that Thales of Miletus found out that when you rub a piece of amber with leather, it acquires the propriety of attracting light things as small leathers or grain stalks. This phenomenon created, along the history of science, is the origin of the concept of the electric charge.
The flow of the electric charge can be continuous or variable depending on direction and magnitude, being a “direct current” or a “alternating current”. These two different ways of behaving of the electric charge define how the technology of this energy is conducted. The creative processes, being uncountable and different in every artist, could be also classified into two different analogous kinds, same as when we distinguished those two talking about electricity.
There are artists who follow a direct or continuous aesthetic style and a defined concept, making a fluid relationship in their artworks. We could define their artworks because of the balance in their reliabilities, or because of the continuousness of their movements, rhymes and cadences.
There are other artists, that could be called disruptive because of the way they face different ideas, creating new forms where the spark and the flame can be born. This type of work sometimes changes the sense and the magnitude of the ideas, in a fortuitous and irrational way.
In the exhibition ALTERNATING CURRENT – DIRECT CURRENT, we want to deal with both ways of working, presenting on both floors that divide Galería Nueva the artists Maloles Antignac, Marta Carballo, Claire Chassot, Natalia Escudero, Willaim Gaber, Marta Galindo, Alejandro González Castillo, Ugo Martínez Lázaro, mAwatres, María Mrntrd y Mar Reykjavik. Their artworks, being classified in different kinds, will try to show their direct or alternating nature from the dialogue they will discuss in the space.
*The inauguration will be June 3rd at 8pm. But we won’t get inside the gallery, instead, every visitor will be in a straight line in Doctor Fouquet street maintaining two meters of distance in between visitors, the distance will be guided by floor marks drawn on the street. The artworks will be coming out handed by every artist, who will stand a couple of seconds in front of every visitor showing the piece. The artists will have masks designed and made by KAUSI, a Spanish business who creates designs for complements, every pattern of the mask will be chosen in accordance with the kind of their work.