1.+ John Brown Projects present on Galería Nueva “Domestic Existence”. The first individual exhibition of Albert Riera Galceran in Madrid, his curators are Pepe Baena Diví and Juan Moreno López-Calull.
The artwork of Riera Galceran is based on its major part of paintings, but he doesn’t want to limit himself to a single media. The artists instinctively uses other ways as drawing, ceramic, collage or video. His multidisciplinary character lets him use contemporary vocabularies to talk about the meaning of exhibiting abstract paintings on our times.
Domestic Existence presents a series of paintings and sculptures produced specifically to the space’s architecture of his residence in Palazzo Monti (Brescia, Italy). In the new series, Riera Galceran analyzes the different traditional methods of exhibiting, carrying the form and color out of the canvas’s surface. The artist complate to soften the lines in