En Escena
The second exhibition hosted by Galería Nueva Las Letras focuses on women’s photography. Organized by CSFGallery, it brings together 21 creators who have photography as a means of expression: Alejandra Carles Tolrá, Angélica Dass, Amparo Garrido, Clarade Tezanos, Dulce Pinzón, Elisa Miralles, Elena de la Rúa, Estela de Castro, Fabiola Cedillo, Gloria Oyarzábal, Irene Cruz, Laura M Lombardy, Linarejos Moreno, Maria Platero, Marta Soul, Paula Anta, Pilar G Tavelli, Rosell Meseguer, Solange Adum Abdala, Soledad Córdoba and Toya Legido.
The field of photography as an artistic and professional discipline has traditionally been dominated by men. As we enter fully into the 21st century, women have been gaining the professional recognition they deserve in photography as well.
In this context, CSF Gallery was created with the aim of showing the active and creative role that contemporary female photographers have taken, without which the art scene would be completely disfigured. CSF Gallery has among its main objectives the dissemination of women’s photography, allowing it to be incorporated into the best collections, thus completing its collection with this means of expression fundamental to understanding the contemporary art and cultural scene.
In order to promote the presence of female artists on the international art scene, CSF Gallery is the first art gallery made up exclusively of female photographers. This first exhibition entitled “On Scene” shows an extensive catalogue of photographs taken by 21 Ibero-American authors with solid professional trajectories. The intention is clear: not to fall behind in the contemporary art scene and to reassert themselves as active creators. Visitors will be able to delve into an exhibition proposal of more than 50 images and a selection of photobooks by the authors.